
Showing posts from September, 2013

Brussels, Belgium. Day 1. Arriving.

September 21st, 2013. Brussels, Belgium. Late afternoon… Sooo… It’s been a long day and just because I’m tired I feel like it’s been taking longer than the usual to get to 6PM. Anyway. Last night was a mess. I left work in a hurry, went straight to Auchan to buy some things I was missing then ran home packed Grasu to deliver him to Laura for a week. I don’t understand the way my brain functions. I organize Jim’s agenda and his traveling across the globe, sometimes taking him out of some pretty nasty situations. Yet, when it comes to me I suck as organizing a one puny week of vacation not even three hours away from home. Oh well… So I’m tired and worn out from all the running around like a headless chicken, but I manage to finish packing at about 1AM. I check for my passport a thousand times. I check for the plane ticket another 500 times and eventually check another thousand times for my health insurance and hotel booking. I don’t know how I do it at work, but obviously

Growing Up – Part V (The yellow pages of time)

In memoria Domnului Diriginte Victor Margalina, profesor de Limba si Literatura Romana, Scoala Generala nr. 9, Rm. Vilcea. In memoriam Mister Victor Margalina, Professor of Romanian Literature and Grammar, School no. 9, Rm. Vilcea. Soon enough I will lose track of these numbers and will just say Growing Up – Part Whatever Follows After The Last One! Anyway, welcome back to the blog! Hope everyone’s having a good Tuesday. Sounds like nonsense. Tuesdays are nonsense. They are not the beginning of the week, they are not the middle nor the end. They are something in between so I guess we can relax. Wednesdays are always fun. I think of the week as a bell curve. Monday is the down left corner, then Tuesday we’re climbing a bit higher, then on Wednesday afternoon we are already descending on the other side, through Thursday and by the time we reach the right down corner we’ve ended the curve with a beautiful Friday. What I’m trying to say is that tomorrow around this time we’re

Behind the Scenes - Part I

Hello again!  If you could hear me say it, you’d know something’s not right. I’m just having one of those mornings where things are not as they should be, but I’m drinking my coffee – finally! –and hopefully that will make it better. Still, I do want to write a bit about my first day filming yesterday, more so to have records for myself, as this is one experience that is surely polishing my view over what filming/screenwriting and directing is all about. At a smaller scale, it’s true, but the challenges are there and I am learning as I go. So! I left work earlier – defining “early”: 5:30PM! People know what I’m talking about – and met mom at Piata Victoriei and walked to Cami and Stan’s place. A few drops of rain got me worried that I was going to be all soaked wet by the time we got there or even worse, I won’t be able to film outside. But, thank God, we got there dry and with a visible improvement in the weather. I love the street Cami and Stan live on. It’s one of t

It's a dog's life

A few days ago – as all of you have probably read in the media – a four year old child has been killed by the stray dogs somewhere close to Parcul Tei. The problem of the stray dogs is an ongoing never ending discussion. Or so the authorities want to make us believe. This is no discussion. It’s a game where these animals are the ball being thrown from one’s court yard of responsibility to another’s. A few remarks on the event: The first thing the city hall had to say was that the child was not killed in the park, which is their public playground. It was killed on a private property – namely, someone else’s playground! So the parents shouldn’t be looking for a culprit with them, but with whoever owns that piece of land and didn’t secure the place to prevent any dog from entering their property. I was stunt, as in stunt, pissed, I’m gonna grab something and hit someone with it kind of angry! That is all you have to say? Who cares where the boy died? He died and he’s not comi